
At the core of Pyfood is the concept of a shelf embedded in a given region, a certain month_id and optionally a source language. You can load a shelf embedded in France in January with the following Python snippet:

from pyfood.utils import Shelf
shelf = Shelf(region='France', month_id=0)

Pyfood works in the following region by default EU (Europe), which includes France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom. Support for Canada, Israel, Japan and Senegal is also provided.

🍐 Label baskets or recipes

Pyfood can help automatically extract and label a list of ingredients, e.g., from a basket of food, a recipe, a menu, a cookbook or a website, with attributes/categories (e.g., fruits, vegetables) and labels (e.g., vegetarian, vegan, nutrition, seasonality), using a few lines of code.

results = shelf.process_ingredients(['apple','kiwi','sugar'])
results['labels'] # vegetarian, vegan, nutrition, seasonality

πŸ‹ Translate ingredients

Pyfood comes with a vocabulary of more than 600 ingredients and synonymes, in multiple languages, and makes it easy to work with recipes in different languages or translate ingredients from a language to another one.

results = shelf.process_ingredients(['apple','kiwi','sugar'], lang_dest='FR')
print(results['ingredients_by_taxon']) # pomme, kiwi, sucre

Pyfood supports the following language by default UN (Universal), which includes DE (German), EN (English), ES (Spanish). FR (French), IT (Italian), PT (Portuguese).

πŸ“ What’s in season?

Finally, Pyfood can also be used to simply query what fruits or vegetables are in season, which depends on the region and month_id selected.

fruits_in_season = shelf.get_seasonal_food(key='001')
vegetables_in_season = shelf.get_seasonal_food(key='002')